Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In Memoriam: Jay Colton

Jay Colton ©Claudio Edinger
The well known photographer and photo editor, and friend to many in the photography world, passed away from an illness on Sunday night while at a photo festival in Brazil. (Story here.)

My Facebook news feed has been filling up with remembrances. Here's one from Brazilian photographer Claudio Edinger:
One of my best friends and brother, Jay Colton, passed away yesterday. he was a light on this planet, always helping hundreds of photographers, including me, with his unbelievable knowledge and generosity. he loved photography so much, he loved life, he loved very much his son Christopher and wife Moira and we are devastated by this loss. may he rest in peace. though i am sure we will meet again, our bond of love is just too strong, i am just too sad.

The photo of Jay above was made by Edinger.


  1. R.I.P. Great Man...and thank you for Kashi...bbc*

  2. Thank you, Claudio. Well put (together). Jay was a man for all seasons, having previously been very much the same as a lad in Queens. Curious. Daring. Hungry. We would all do well to take his example as inspiration and try to make our lives as filled with meaning and experience as humanly possible.
